A few thoughts on Gildas and Bede In the mid 500's, a monk-historian by the name of Gildas put down his thoughts on five British Kings in a work called De excidio et conquestu Britanniae (On the Destruction and Conquest of Britain) sometimes shortened to "The Ruin of Britain". This work, intended as more of a sermon than a history, claims that the invasion of the Saxons and the fall of Britain was due to the sins of the British people. There are a few things of note that are of interest to Arthurian scholars that occur in this work. First, this is the earliest surviving mention of the Battle of Mount Badon, the battle whose victory is later attributed to Arthur. Secondly, this is a major source for information regarding the Saxon invasion and Gildas attributes resistance leadership to an individual by the name of Ambrosius Aurelianus. Lastly, Gildas does not mention Arthur, the supposed victor of "Badon Hill," at all. This lack of mention of ...
An exploratory discussion on the history and literature of King Arthur and his knights as well as reviews of certain books, articles, and mass media. This is intended as a developing resource for beginner and amateur historians interested in Arthurian themes. People of all learning levels are welcome to enjoy learning this exciting and fascinating material with me.