Chretien de Troyes - Part 2: Erec and Enide In what is claimed to be the very first Arthurian romance ever made, Arthur starts off the story by being an ass. Yes, you read correctly. You will see that as much as the French adore the Arthurian tradition it is the knights themselves that will soon get all of the attention. Arthur as well as his court continue to to be as proud and regal and famous as they have always been, if not more so, but Arthur himself, as a character, becomes an instigator. Sometimes he is no more than a living stage prop. He begins adventures; he makes them possible. He becomes a goal to be reached or a solution to a problem like a rich doting grandfather. This is not always the case of course, he still gets on a horse from time to time to go adventuring and he has not become a tyrant like he was portrayed in the Saints Lives. Nothing like that. He always redeems himself and by the end of the story we...
An exploratory discussion on the history and literature of King Arthur and his knights as well as reviews of certain books, articles, and mass media. This is intended as a developing resource for beginner and amateur historians interested in Arthurian themes. People of all learning levels are welcome to enjoy learning this exciting and fascinating material with me.